What does my business do: Showing personal brands how to EASE-ify content marketing & do it in a way that feels GOOD, so their content does the heavy lifting to grow their business for them?
Inspiration: Seeing how many brilliant, highly-qualified small business owners are out there with an incredible expertise, but struggling to market themselves simply & effectively. It doesn’t have to be SO HARD. We get to do it our way - we get to design & run our businesses - and that requires us to see where we want to go, know ourselves, and take baby steps every day.
How I started: I left a high school & college teaching career to start a fitness studio with two partners. After learning “how to do business" from the inside out (and making every mistake possible), I decided wanted to help other entrepreneurs stop banging into the wall & start seeing traction from their efforts. So I jumped out of the fitness world and into the business coaching realm, and I’ve honed my expertise to focus specifically on making content easy for you!
How I’m different: There’s no one-size-fits-all strategy for creating content and “doing” marketing. It’s imperative that we find OUR voice, speak to OUR audience, and do it in a style that works for OUR personality! So instead of a “here’s the RIGHT” way strategy, I show people how to design a “THEIR WAY” strategy. Especially when it comes to content marketing: if it doesn’t feel good to you or right for you, it won’t be sustainable for you!
Advice: Find a welcoming community of other entrepreneurs. Ask questions. Don’t try to DO everything. Take care of yourself and take a break (because there’s ALWAYS work to be done.) Most importantly, hire help before you think you need it. Too often we wait until we’re burned out to get help. Need an assistant? Start by hiring one for 2-3 hours a week. It will change your life.
Biggest Life Challenge: Overworking. I did it as a teacher. I did it as a fitness studio owner. I’ve done it as a business coach. I’m on a mission to integrate ease & relaxation into my entrepreneurial life, because as much as I know that working hard is important, it’s not everything. The work will ALWAYS be there. Taking time to rest, relax, and take care of my health - oh, yeah, and have fun too - is a goal I have to be very intentional about.
Favorite Non-Business Activity: Traveling. I try to get out of town at least once a month, especially now that life is much more open again for moving about the world!
Syracuse, NY